Willamette Valley Caviary & Rescue

Animal Scams
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Beware Internet Animal Scams & Over Sea's Buyers

This is the way the emails start out.  Innocent inquiry.
Am interested in some bunnies..Kindly contact me if you have any...
My rabbitry is located in the Uk..
Then they progress till you get the final instructions such as included in the email below.
   You can have the bunnies onyour site for the main time..The payment will be delivered to you next week,once it is delivered to you, you are to start getting all the necessary things done.You are to get the health papers,carrier for the rabbits,feed dishes and water bottle and all other thing that has to be done on your side..You will have to make the funds meant for my representative available to him via western union so that he can start all the neceessary arrangements on his side too..he will have to book the flight down to the state,get all the necessary custom papers...I will implore you,to give him all the necessary support so that the pick up will be successfull..
   I had the confirmation from my financier that he has issued the payment out already.This is in an amount of $2850.00.Once this is delivered to you, you are to deduct the sum of $304.36 being the total cost of the  rabbits, while the sum of $2,150 is to be made availaable to my representative via western union..The sum of $100.00 is to be set aside incase you need extra funds to get all the necessary things done while the sum of $150.00 will be spent on transfer charges at the western union location where you are to send the funds to my representative...You will be left with the sum of $145.64,this will be given to my representative once he comes around for the pick up..I will give you all his details as well as his flight arrangement down to the USA..Once he has booked his flight and the custom papers ready,i will give you his flight details..hope this is well understood..Do have a great day..Hope to read from you later today...


Here is the breakdown of what has to be done...

Bunnies - $90
Gas & Time _ $20
Cage + shipping - $61.86 
Vet visit & health cert total for all 5 $83.50
Feed dishes and Water bottles for the cages total $49

NEVER EVER accept overpayments!!  And especially if they want YOU to forward the money to someone else.  It is a scam!!  For more information you can check out Looks to Good to be True's website.

Owned by Tamara McCuistion, North Bend Oregon